Features of DBohra

Features of DBohra

1.                   Add Multiple businesses: You can now add more than one business profile and gain more views. This can also help you to improve your search engine algorithms.


2.                   Chat like Inquiry: Get to see who has sent you the inquiry on the inquiry panel and manage inquiries with ease. You or the product owner can reply or send a quote, to convert a visitor into a sale!


3.                   Product Rating: Now you can give rating to the products and get valuable insights for your products & services. We have made leaving reviews accessible and really easy.


4.                   Business and Product View: You can see how many people have seen your business and products. Check out customer views and actions to learn how you’re doing and how to set yourself apart.


5.                   Favourite Feature: My Favourites is a tool that allows you to bookmark products/suppliers that you are interested in. When you are browsing products on Dbohra.com and you are interested in a product but don't want to purchase it instantly, you can add it to “My Favourites”, and check it later. 


6.                   Profile completion meter: You can now see the percentage of your business profile strength and products completed. Once you click on it, you’ll see all the things you can do to complete your profile and move up a level.


7.                   800+ categories: Categories are used to describe your business and connect you to customers searching for the services you offer. We have more than 800 hundred categories which you can select for your business. Depending on the type of business you operate, your category may also be used to assign a label to your business.


8.                   Verification:  We have now integrated OTP to verify mobile number and link to verify email address to validate the authenticity buyers and suppliers. It removes the possibility of a user registering with fake Email Address/Mobile Number. 


9.                   Detailed and confined business form: We have prepared a more specific form which only asks information related to your business to help you find purchasing trends and identify your best customers.


10.               Advanced Dashboard: We have redesigned dashboard so that it is easy to see your business-related details and inquiry all on one page. Track, respond and filter on the go.